About Lori

Err… hard to explain, so I’m including an authentic scientific diagram of what goes on in my brain:


Product Design, Tiling, Woodworking, Wandering Aimlessly, Graphic Arts, Animation, Game Development, Cartooning, Software Stuff, Procrastinating.

Why Monkeys at the Typewriter?

(Note: This deep description was written by a monkey AI bot)

"Monkeys at the typewriter" symbolizes the essence of creativity, exploration, and the infinite potential of the human mind.

The concept behind "monkeys at the typewriter" can be traced back to an idea often referred to as the Infinite Monkey Theorem. This theorem posits that given an infinite amount of time, a group of monkeys randomly typing on typewriters would eventually produce the complete works of Shakespeare, or any other book.

In the creative realm, "monkeys at the typewriter" signifies the limitless exploration of ideas, the serendipity of chance encounters, and the triumph of overcoming barriers through unorthodox methods. It invites individuals to step away from structured thinking and embrace an atmosphere of playful experimentation.