Creating “Roonie”


Paint a cartoon in an old frame that I found in one of my sheds.


Remember that I have a collection of paintings from yard sales! Maybe I can use a piece from one of the paintings for cartoon “hair”……?


For the character, started with these two doodles.

Rough sketch on paper.

Draw design on the wood background w/in the picture frame.

Arg, should have painted the background first! Transfer drawing to paper using carbon paper, paint background and transfer back.

Ok, now try cutting hair out from a painting…

HMMM - pretty cool, decide to cut “JUST a FEW more pieces” out from paintings.

I’m liking this!

Clip clip clip…

I’m obsessed now. How about some arms!

Need a hand model. Thanks SteveO!

Having trouble with the right hand.

Over a period of several weeks, create a bunch of peices to try to get the hand “right”.

FINALLY finished the hand.

Ready to glue together!

But how…do a bunch of glue tests…

Gorilla Fabric Glue - good, but not water-based so can’t wipe off.

Gorilla Wood Glue - nope.

WeldBond - nope.

Modge Podge - pretty good.

Acrylic Medium - great, except won’t stick to one of the paintings!

Stay tuned…